big egg, beside a little egg, big and small


For who has despised the day of small things?

A Companion Devotional to ‘Meager Beginnings’ for who has despised the day of small things? the NIV renders this: who dares despise the day of small things? Another version of the Bible renders this:Never Despise a meager beginning.In like fashion to how the angel came to Zachariah and told him …

picture of old desk, with blue painters tape


The Daring Desk Makeover

“Simply don’t do it” that was the only answer I could find when I did a search on ‘how to properly strip a desk with Mail slots in it’. But I had a problem, I had already bought the little desk. In an effort to encourage and support my husbands writing endeavors, I told him that I felt we should invest in a desk for him, one that inspired him. He had fallen in love with the photos he had see of this little desk in a local listing and it was now in the garage awaiting a deep clean (I used Awesome cleaner, with bleach) and perhaps a quick paint job……..and then I began to get Ideas.

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Finish What You Start

This year the Lord has put upon my heart to focus on finishing things that I have started.

I will be the first to confess, that I have more projects that have been started and not finished, books read through to about the 4th or 5th chapter and then sidetracked, and hobbies eagerly embarked upon, but not finished, than I would like to admit.
but more importantly, efforts in friendship not seen to fruition, Christmas cards planned but not distributed, promises of dates to visit with people that I love and genuinely want to invest in, but not put into the calendar.